State audit

Have experienced tax professionals
in your corner if the state calls you.

We can help potentially reduce or eliminate penalties

During a state audit, if tax liabilities are discovered or are in question, AGH represents your interests with the state audit team to reduce or eliminate penalties and minimize taxes. In a number of cases, AGH's review and coordination turned an audit defense engagement into additional tax refunds earned by the organization.

See how our state audit defense could help your organization.
Contact us to learn more.

State audit defense

Consider who benefits

Any organization notified that it will be audited or currently undergoing a state Department of Revenue audit for state and sales tax.

Consider the benefits

Reduce or eliminate potential for assessments during a state audit

Serve as an experienced and knowledgeable representative of an organization during an audit

Reduce interruptions and stress brought on to your operation by minimizing internal staff time required to work with audit team

Negotiate on your behalf with state audit team

How AGH's state audit defense can help your organization

As states seek to increase revenues, one of their tools is an emphasis on audits to uncover unpaid tax liabilities. If time permits, an AGH audit team arranges to come to your facility as soon as you are notified that you will be audited. This proivdes an opportunity to review your returns and any pertinent documentation and develop any recommendations for working with the state's auditors before they arrive on site.

During the audit, the AGH team monitors the state audit team's progress, acts as a liaison to your organization, answers technical questions and handles daily contacts, which decreases the time required from your staff. If tax liabilities are discovered or are in question, AGH represents your interests with the state audit team to reduce or eliminate penalties and minimize taxes.

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Gerald Capps, JD

Senior Vice President
State & Local Tax Services

Jerry Capps and the State and Local Tax (SALT) team provide sophisticated state and local tax planning, strategic advice and advocacy to numerous mid-market, Fortune 100 and industry-leading companies. The team has returned many millions of dollars in one-time and recurring tax savings to companies.

In addition to planning and compliance, the SALT practice includes legislation and policy, litigation, and controversy matters involving income, franchise, sales and use and property taxes. Jerry's work involves critical questions on nexus, apportionment, the Multistate Tax Compact, and the equal protection, due process and commerce clauses of the United States Constitution. He is a respected advocate on issues of tax policy and he represents clients in all phases of state and local tax controversy, including audit assistance and administrative hearings. He also provides counsel on state and local income and transactional costs for mergers, acquisitions and corporate reorganizations.

Jerry is a member of the Institute for Professionals in Taxation, the Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants, the American Bar Association and the Kansas Bar Association. He has been engaged as a keynote speaker for organizations such as the Institute for Professionals in Taxation, state and local CPA societies, university and professional accounting conferences, and chambers of commerce.